Wheel assemblies and heavy-duty, rail-based material handling equipment, we also supply standard and custom crane wheels and sheave wheels for all applications.
Available in diameters of 150mm to 915mm. Larger wheels on custom design and manufacture. We also design and manufacture custom wheels for your specific design application in any configuration. We are always ready to make recommendations when these wheels need to be integrated into complete wheel assemblies.
Material Grades and Wheel Hardness
We can supply wheels with more expensive materials to suit your service requirements. Hardness up to 62Rc.
Irwin Car and Equipment specializes in the design and manufacture of some of the most rugged and dependable heavy-duty material handling equipment in the world. Irwin Car keeps the world’s heavy industries on track with standard and custom wheels, wheel assemblies, bogie assemblies for gantry cranes, transfer cars, furnace cars, locomotives, coil cars, crane wheels, crane wheel assemblies, etc.